Jilkminggan Renal

In 2018 JCAC contacted Kelly Wright of Deciding to Make a Difference, who has been assisting in small projects for Jilkminggan. A joint endeavour to locate dialysis on country. Kelly then set about organising fund raisers and coordinating contact with the Sarah Brown, CEO of Western Desert Nganampa Walytja Palyantjaku Tjutaku (Purple House coordinating 18 remote dialysis clinics on Pitinjarra and Arrente lands), to speak with her to get an idea on how we could do this. A meeting was set up for both Sarah and Heather, Manager of Darwin Purple House to come to Jilkminggan. A good meeting a willingness on the part of Purple House board of directors to assist us.

The next year it was organized to have the Purple Truck come to Jilkminggan, absolutely brilliant for our families but with our hard lime water we could not proceed with dialysis on country for the week, so relocation to Mataranka was on the cards. It was a good break not have to do the weekly 876klm trip only 180klms.

We thank the board of Western Desert Nganampa Walytja Palyantjaku Tjutaku (Purple House) who are happy to assist other communities who call for help, Sarah, Heather and Kelly for all their persistent ongoing support.

About the same time we also received assistance from Gemma Turner and the Perfect 5th Community Choir, other Choir’s in Sydney, who fundraised with a concert - we are so thankful for their support. They had an idea to contribute to minor equipment needed in a dialysis clinic ie; blood pressure monitor, trolleys, covers for chairs.

Another great idea - purified water! Kelly’s set about finding how to do this for families to access good drinking water by speaking with a Water Technician who works with Purple House and their dialysis units on country, Ben Spiers is working to place filters in Jilkminggan.

We will not give up until there is a unit much closer to home or on country.

A days drive to renal in Katherine